Shots - Segunda Federación Femenina

Team Shots

# Team Over 10.5 Over 11.5 Over 12.5 Over 13.5 Over 14.5 Over 15.5
1Rayo Vallecano W LogoRayo Vallecano W92%69%62%54%54%46%
2Athletic Club II W LogoAthletic Club II W82%73%73%73%55%45%
3Real Sociedad II W LogoReal Sociedad II W82%82%73%64%64%36%
4Elche W LogoElche W78%78%67%44%44%33%
5Fundación Tenerife W LogoFundación Tenerife W78%67%67%67%56%56%
6Pozuelo Alarcón W LogoPozuelo Alarcón W73%55%45%36%36%0%
7Eibar II W LogoEibar II W71%71%71%56%14%14%
8Olympia Las Rozas LogoOlympia Las Rozas70%70%60%50%30%20%
9Osasuna II W LogoOsasuna II W70%50%40%40%30%20%
10Guiniguada Apolinario W LogoGuiniguada Apolinario W63%38%38%38%38%38%
11UD Tenerife II W LogoUD Tenerife II W63%50%25%25%13%13%
12Córdoba W LogoCórdoba W62%54%31%15%15%15%
13Real Unión de Tenerife W LogoReal Unión de Tenerife W60%60%20%20%0%0%
14Málaga W LogoMálaga W57%50%42%8%0%0%
15Real Avilés LogoReal Avilés56%28%28%28%28%28%
16Madrid II W LogoMadrid II W56%56%33%33%33%22%
17Atlético Madrid III W LogoAtlético Madrid III W54%46%31%23%8%8%
18Cacereño II W LogoCacereño II W50%50%50%50%50%50%
19Racing Féminas LogoRacing Féminas50%30%30%10%10%10%
20Real Oviedo W LogoReal Oviedo W50%50%20%10%10%0%
21Europa W LogoEuropa W45%45%27%18%18%9%
22Zaragoza W LogoZaragoza W41%41%28%24%18%6%
23Sporting Gijón W LogoSporting Gijón W40%20%20%0%0%0%
24Huesca W LogoHuesca W28%14%14%14%14%14%
25Valencia II W LogoValencia II W27%18%18%18%18%18%
26Juan Grande W LogoJuan Grande W25%13%13%13%13%13%
27Femarguín W LogoFemarguín W20%20%10%10%10%0%
28Levante II W LogoLevante II W17%0%0%0%0%0%
29Pradejón W LogoPradejón W11%11%11%11%11%0%
30Cornellà LogoCornellà0%0%0%0%0%0%
31Orientación Marítima W LogoOrientación Marítima W0%0%0%0%0%0%
32Viajes Interrías W LogoViajes Interrías W0%0%0%0%0%0%

Which team takes the most shots in the Segunda Federación Femenina?

Rayo Vallecano W's matches are the most entertaining in the Segunda Federación Femenina, with 92% of their matches ending with Over 10.5 shots from them. That's a lot of matches ending in a lot of shots!

Closely following Rayo Vallecano W is Athletic Club II W with 82% of their matches ending with Over 10.5. Real Sociedad II W is in the 3rd spot, with 82% of their matches ending Over 10.5.

Match Shots (Both Teams Combined)

# Team Over 23.5 Over 24.5 Over 25.5 Over 26.5
1Cacereño II W LogoCacereño II W83%67%67%67%
2Rayo Vallecano W LogoRayo Vallecano W77%77%77%69%
3Athletic Club II W LogoAthletic Club II W73%55%45%45%
4Real Sociedad II W LogoReal Sociedad II W73%55%55%45%
5Guiniguada Apolinario W LogoGuiniguada Apolinario W63%50%50%50%
6Olympia Las Rozas LogoOlympia Las Rozas60%40%30%20%
7Elche W LogoElche W56%44%44%44%
8Osasuna II W LogoOsasuna II W50%50%40%20%
9Fundación Tenerife W LogoFundación Tenerife W44%44%44%22%
10Eibar II W LogoEibar II W43%28%28%28%
11Zaragoza W LogoZaragoza W41%35%35%28%
12Sporting Gijón W LogoSporting Gijón W40%40%40%30%
13Cornellà LogoCornellà40%20%20%20%
14Real Unión de Tenerife W LogoReal Unión de Tenerife W40%40%40%20%
15Valencia II W LogoValencia II W36%36%36%18%
16Europa W LogoEuropa W36%27%18%18%
17Pozuelo Alarcón W LogoPozuelo Alarcón W36%36%36%27%
18Madrid II W LogoMadrid II W33%11%11%11%
19Levante II W LogoLevante II W33%33%33%33%
20Pradejón W LogoPradejón W33%11%0%0%
21Orientación Marítima W LogoOrientación Marítima W33%33%33%33%
22Atlético Madrid III W LogoAtlético Madrid III W31%23%23%15%
23Racing Féminas LogoRacing Féminas30%20%20%10%
24Real Avilés LogoReal Avilés28%28%28%28%
25Juan Grande W LogoJuan Grande W25%13%13%13%
26UD Tenerife II W LogoUD Tenerife II W25%25%13%13%
27Córdoba W LogoCórdoba W23%15%15%8%
28Huesca W LogoHuesca W14%14%14%14%
29Femarguín W LogoFemarguín W10%10%10%10%
30Málaga W LogoMálaga W8%0%0%0%
31Real Oviedo W LogoReal Oviedo W0%0%0%0%
32Viajes Interrías W LogoViajes Interrías W0%0%0%0%

Which team has the most match shots in the Segunda Federación Femenina?

Cacereño II W, Rayo Vallecano W, and Athletic Club II W have recorded the highest match shots in the Segunda Federación Femenina this season.

Cacereño II W's games are often thrilling entertainment where both teams get frequent opportunities to score, with 83% of matches ending in Over 23.5 shots. Rayo Vallecano W ranks second in Segunda Federación Femenina in terms of Over 23.5 shots with their Over 23.5 match shots percentage standing at 77%. Athletic Club II W matches are also expected to be dramatic, with 73% of games ending in match shots Over 23.5.

Players With The Most Shots

No player shots data have been recorded for this season yet! Come back later or change the season.

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