Shots - Regionalliga

Team Shots

# Team Over 10.5 Over 11.5 Over 12.5 Over 13.5 Over 14.5 Over 15.5
1Kickers Offenbach LogoKickers Offenbach67%57%50%25%17%17%
2BAK BAK '0756%56%56%44%33%22%
3Union Fürstenwalde LogoUnion Fürstenwalde56%44%33%33%11%0%
4Altglienicke LogoAltglienicke56%56%56%56%44%33%
5Homburg LogoHomburg50%36%23%18%14%9%
6Viktoria Berlin LogoViktoria Berlin50%50%50%50%50%50%
7Sonnenhof Großaspach LogoSonnenhof Großaspach48%35%19%16%3%3%
8Aalen LogoAalen47%27%20%13%7%7%
9Stuttgart II LogoStuttgart II47%47%24%18%6%6%
10BFC Dynamo LogoBFC Dynamo44%44%33%22%22%22%
11FSV Frankfurt LogoFSV Frankfurt43%30%26%26%22%17%
12Mainz 05 II LogoMainz 05 II43%21%7%7%0%0%
13Gießen LogoGießen43%36%21%7%7%7%
14Fortuna Düsseldorf II LogoFortuna Düsseldorf II42%27%21%15%12%3%
15Chemie Leipzig LogoChemie Leipzig38%38%23%23%23%15%
16Hertha BSC II LogoHertha BSC II36%36%36%36%18%9%
17Optik Rathenow LogoOptik Rathenow36%27%27%18%0%0%
18Lichtenberg LogoLichtenberg36%27%18%9%9%9%
19Carl Zeiss Jena LogoCarl Zeiss Jena36%27%18%18%9%9%
20Bonner SC LogoBonner SC35%30%30%15%5%5%
21Rot Weiss Ahlen LogoRot Weiss Ahlen33%28%14%10%10%10%
22Bergisch Gladbach LogoBergisch Gladbach33%28%17%8%4%4%
23Lokomotive Leipzig LogoLokomotive Leipzig30%30%30%20%20%20%
24Auerbach LogoAuerbach30%20%20%10%10%10%
25Luckenwalde LogoLuckenwalde30%20%20%10%10%0%
26ZFC Meuselwitz LogoZFC Meuselwitz28%28%28%14%14%14%
27Chemnitzer FC LogoChemnitzer FC27%18%9%9%0%0%
28Energie Cottbus LogoEnergie Cottbus25%25%25%25%25%0%
29Bischofswerdaer FV LogoBischofswerdaer FV25%8%0%0%0%0%
30Pirmasens LogoPirmasens25%25%17%0%0%0%
31Hessen Kassel LogoHessen Kassel24%21%18%15%9%6%
32Homberg LogoHomberg20%13%0%0%0%0%
33Babelsberg LogoBabelsberg18%18%18%0%0%0%
34Tennis Borussia LogoTennis Borussia13%13%0%0%0%0%
35Germania Halberstadt LogoGermania Halberstadt13%13%13%13%13%13%

Which team takes the most shots in the Regionalliga?

Kickers Offenbach's matches are the most entertaining in the Regionalliga, with 67% of their matches ending with Over 10.5 shots from them. That's a lot of matches ending in a lot of shots!

Closely following Kickers Offenbach is BAK '07 with 56% of their matches ending with Over 10.5. Union Fürstenwalde is in the 3rd spot, with 56% of their matches ending Over 10.5.

Match Shots (Both Teams Combined)

# Team Over 23.5 Over 24.5 Over 25.5 Over 26.5
1Bischofswerdaer FV LogoBischofswerdaer FV50%33%17%17%
2Union Fürstenwalde LogoUnion Fürstenwalde44%33%33%33%
3BAK BAK '0744%44%44%44%
4Chemie Leipzig LogoChemie Leipzig38%23%15%15%
5Optik Rathenow LogoOptik Rathenow36%18%18%18%
6Kickers Offenbach LogoKickers Offenbach33%25%25%17%
7Auerbach LogoAuerbach30%10%10%10%
8Lokomotive Leipzig LogoLokomotive Leipzig30%30%30%30%
9Gießen LogoGießen28%21%21%21%
10Stuttgart II LogoStuttgart II28%24%18%18%
11Hertha BSC II LogoHertha BSC II27%9%9%9%
12Lichtenberg LogoLichtenberg27%27%27%27%
13FSV Frankfurt LogoFSV Frankfurt26%22%22%17%
14Germania Halberstadt LogoGermania Halberstadt25%13%13%13%
15Energie Cottbus LogoEnergie Cottbus25%0%0%0%
16Rot Weiss Ahlen LogoRot Weiss Ahlen24%14%10%10%
17Hessen Kassel LogoHessen Kassel24%18%18%15%
18Fortuna Düsseldorf II LogoFortuna Düsseldorf II24%18%12%0%
19BFC Dynamo LogoBFC Dynamo22%22%22%22%
20Altglienicke LogoAltglienicke22%22%22%22%
21Mainz 05 II LogoMainz 05 II21%21%21%7%
22Aalen LogoAalen20%13%13%7%
23Carl Zeiss Jena LogoCarl Zeiss Jena18%18%18%18%
24Homburg LogoHomburg18%9%5%5%
25Bergisch Gladbach LogoBergisch Gladbach17%4%4%4%
26Viktoria Berlin LogoViktoria Berlin17%0%0%0%
27Sonnenhof Großaspach LogoSonnenhof Großaspach16%10%10%10%
28Bonner SC LogoBonner SC15%15%15%10%
29ZFC Meuselwitz LogoZFC Meuselwitz14%14%14%14%
30Tennis Borussia LogoTennis Borussia13%0%0%0%
31Luckenwalde LogoLuckenwalde10%0%0%0%
32Chemnitzer FC LogoChemnitzer FC9%9%9%9%
33Babelsberg LogoBabelsberg9%9%0%0%
34Pirmasens LogoPirmasens8%0%0%0%
35Homberg LogoHomberg7%7%7%7%

Which team has the most match shots in the Regionalliga?

Bischofswerdaer FV, Union Fürstenwalde, and BAK '07 have recorded the highest match shots in the Regionalliga this season.

Bischofswerdaer FV's games are often thrilling entertainment where both teams get frequent opportunities to score, with 50% of matches ending in Over 23.5 shots. Union Fürstenwalde ranks second in Regionalliga in terms of Over 23.5 shots with their Over 23.5 match shots percentage standing at 44%. BAK '07 matches are also expected to be dramatic, with 44% of games ending in match shots Over 23.5.

Players With The Most Shots

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