Shots - Oberliga

Team Shots

# Team Over 10.5 Over 11.5 Over 12.5 Over 13.5 Over 14.5 Over 15.5
1Ansbach LogoAnsbach100%100%100%100%100%100%
2Gebenbach LogoGebenbach100%100%100%100%100%100%
3Großbardorf LogoGroßbardorf100%100%100%50%50%50%
4Sport-Club 1926 Eltersdorf LogoSport-Club 1926 Eltersdorf82%82%64%64%64%64%
5VfL Oldenburg LogoVfL Oldenburg80%80%80%60%40%40%
6TSV Kottern-St. Mang LogoTSV Kottern-St. Mang78%44%22%11%11%11%
7Eintracht Northeim LogoEintracht Northeim75%50%50%25%25%25%
8TSV 1865 Dachau LogoTSV 1865 Dachau75%50%33%33%33%25%
9Victoria Hamburg LogoVictoria Hamburg73%67%60%53%40%27%
10Pipinsried LogoPipinsried71%71%56%43%43%28%
11Eintracht Bamberg LogoEintracht Bamberg67%67%67%67%33%33%
12TSV Abtswind LogoTSV Abtswind67%67%33%33%33%33%
13Schwabmünchen LogoSchwabmünchen64%56%56%56%43%21%
14Dassendorf LogoDassendorf63%56%50%31%19%19%
15Jahn Regensburg II LogoJahn Regensburg II60%60%47%33%27%27%
16Seligenporten LogoSeligenporten60%40%40%40%40%40%
17Spelle-Venhaus LogoSpelle-Venhaus60%40%40%40%40%40%
18Ingolstadt II LogoIngolstadt II57%57%50%42%42%42%
19Ismaning LogoIsmaning56%50%50%43%28%14%
20Bayern Hof LogoBayern Hof56%56%56%43%28%14%
21Teutonia Hamburg LogoTeutonia Hamburg56%50%50%50%43%28%
22Pullach LogoPullach55%36%18%18%18%9%
23Niendorfer TSV LogoNiendorfer TSV55%55%45%36%36%36%
24Barmbek-Uhlenhorst LogoBarmbek-Uhlenhorst53%53%47%40%40%40%
25ATSV Erlangen LogoATSV Erlangen50%25%0%0%0%0%
261860 München II Logo1860 München II47%33%27%20%7%7%
27Sasel LogoSasel46%31%23%23%23%23%
28Concordia LogoConcordia44%33%33%22%11%11%
29Buchholz LogoBuchholz44%33%11%11%11%11%
30Borussia Hildesheim LogoBorussia Hildesheim43%43%14%14%14%0%
31Gifhorn LogoGifhorn43%28%14%14%14%14%
32Rugenbergen LogoRugenbergen38%31%31%15%15%8%
33Meiendorfer SV LogoMeiendorfer SV38%25%0%0%0%0%
34Germania Egestorf LogoGermania Egestorf33%33%0%0%0%0%
35Sand LogoSand33%0%0%0%0%0%
36Deutsche Jugend Kraft Vilzing LogoDeutsche Jugend Kraft Vilzing33%33%33%33%0%0%
37Hankofen-Hailing LogoHankofen-Hailing33%33%33%0%0%0%
38Curslack-Neuengamme LogoCurslack-Neuengamme31%25%13%13%6%6%
39Schwaben Augsburg LogoSchwaben Augsburg30%20%10%10%10%10%
40Süderelbe LogoSüderelbe28%22%22%11%11%11%
41USC Paloma LogoUSC Paloma28%24%24%18%12%12%
42Hagen / Uthlede LogoHagen / Uthlede25%25%25%0%0%0%
43Ammerthal LogoAmmerthal20%20%20%0%0%0%
44Kirchanschöring LogoKirchanschöring20%0%0%0%0%0%
45Atlas Delmenhorst LogoAtlas Delmenhorst20%0%0%0%0%0%
46FT Braunschweig LogoFT Braunschweig20%20%10%10%10%0%
47DJK Bamberg LogoDJK Bamberg17%17%17%17%0%0%
48TB Uphusen LogoTB Uphusen17%17%17%0%0%0%
49Wolfenbüttel LogoWolfenbüttel0%0%0%0%0%0%
50Lupo-Martini LogoLupo-Martini0%0%0%0%0%0%

Which team takes the most shots in the Oberliga?

Ansbach's matches are the most entertaining in the Oberliga, with 100% of their matches ending with Over 10.5 shots from them. That's a lot of matches ending in a lot of shots!

Closely following Ansbach is Gebenbach with 100% of their matches ending with Over 10.5. Großbardorf is in the 3rd spot, with 100% of their matches ending Over 10.5.

Match Shots (Both Teams Combined)

# Team Over 23.5 Over 24.5 Over 25.5 Over 26.5
1Ansbach LogoAnsbach100%100%100%100%
2Großbardorf LogoGroßbardorf100%100%50%50%
3Gebenbach LogoGebenbach100%100%100%100%
4Eintracht Northeim LogoEintracht Northeim75%75%75%50%
5TSV Kottern-St. Mang LogoTSV Kottern-St. Mang67%67%44%44%
6TSV 1865 Dachau LogoTSV 1865 Dachau67%57%50%42%
7Eintracht Bamberg LogoEintracht Bamberg67%67%67%67%
8TSV Abtswind LogoTSV Abtswind67%67%67%67%
9Deutsche Jugend Kraft Vilzing LogoDeutsche Jugend Kraft Vilzing67%67%33%33%
10Ingolstadt II LogoIngolstadt II67%50%42%42%
11Sport-Club 1926 Eltersdorf LogoSport-Club 1926 Eltersdorf64%45%27%18%
12Seligenporten LogoSeligenporten60%40%20%20%
13VfL Oldenburg LogoVfL Oldenburg60%60%50%20%
14Ammerthal LogoAmmerthal60%40%0%0%
15Bayern Hof LogoBayern Hof56%28%28%28%
16Schwabmünchen LogoSchwabmünchen56%43%43%43%
17Jahn Regensburg II LogoJahn Regensburg II53%47%40%33%
18Teutonia Hamburg LogoTeutonia Hamburg50%43%43%43%
19ATSV Erlangen LogoATSV Erlangen50%25%0%0%
20Victoria Hamburg LogoVictoria Hamburg47%33%27%27%
21Pullach LogoPullach45%36%27%18%
22Concordia LogoConcordia44%33%33%33%
23Borussia Hildesheim LogoBorussia Hildesheim43%28%0%0%
24Ismaning LogoIsmaning43%36%36%28%
25Pipinsried LogoPipinsried43%43%43%43%
26Spelle-Venhaus LogoSpelle-Venhaus40%20%20%20%
27Schwaben Augsburg LogoSchwaben Augsburg40%40%40%30%
28Süderelbe LogoSüderelbe39%33%33%33%
29Meiendorfer SV LogoMeiendorfer SV38%38%38%25%
30Hankofen-Hailing LogoHankofen-Hailing33%33%33%0%
31Wolfenbüttel LogoWolfenbüttel33%33%0%0%
32Sand LogoSand33%33%33%33%
331860 München II Logo1860 München II33%33%33%27%
34Germania Egestorf LogoGermania Egestorf33%0%0%0%
35Barmbek-Uhlenhorst LogoBarmbek-Uhlenhorst33%27%27%20%
36Buchholz LogoBuchholz33%33%33%33%
37Dassendorf LogoDassendorf31%31%25%25%
38Sasel LogoSasel31%31%23%23%
39Niendorfer TSV LogoNiendorfer TSV27%27%27%18%
40Hagen / Uthlede LogoHagen / Uthlede25%25%25%25%
41USC Paloma LogoUSC Paloma24%24%24%24%
42FT Braunschweig LogoFT Braunschweig20%20%10%0%
43DJK Bamberg LogoDJK Bamberg17%17%17%0%
44TB Uphusen LogoTB Uphusen17%17%17%0%
45Gifhorn LogoGifhorn14%14%14%14%
46Curslack-Neuengamme LogoCurslack-Neuengamme13%13%6%6%
47Rugenbergen LogoRugenbergen8%8%8%8%
48Kirchanschöring LogoKirchanschöring0%0%0%0%
49Atlas Delmenhorst LogoAtlas Delmenhorst0%0%0%0%
50Lupo-Martini LogoLupo-Martini0%0%0%0%

Which team has the most match shots in the Oberliga?

Ansbach, Großbardorf, and Gebenbach have recorded the highest match shots in the Oberliga this season.

Ansbach's games are often thrilling entertainment where both teams get frequent opportunities to score, with 100% of matches ending in Over 23.5 shots. Großbardorf ranks second in Oberliga in terms of Over 23.5 shots with their Over 23.5 match shots percentage standing at 100%. Gebenbach matches are also expected to be dramatic, with 100% of games ending in match shots Over 23.5.

Players With The Most Shots

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