Market Values - Primera B

Average Market Value
Players With Market Values Recorded
League Total Market Value

Players with the highest market value for Primera B (Chile)

# Player Value Change Position Age Apps
1 Magallanes Badge Julián Alfaro €550,000 -21.43% FW 23 9
2 Unión San Felipe Badge Francisco Salinas €500,000 -9.09% MF - 9
3 Curicó Unido Badge Sebastián Parada €450,000 -25.00% MF 24 18
4 Univ. Concepción Badge Jeison Joaquín Fuentealba Vergara €450,000 -35.71% MF 21 8
5 Magallanes Badge Tomás Valenzuela Aránguiz €400,000 - MF 27 18
6 Magallanes Badge Felipe Espinoza Ramirez €400,000 -20.00% MF 25 16
7 La Serena Badge Diego Sanhueza €375,000 +275.00% DF 22 13
8 Barnechea Badge Agustín Ignacio Ortiz Moreno €375,000 - DF 25 10
9 San Luis Badge Martín Garnerone €375,000 - FW 26 18
10 Univ. Concepción Badge Brahian Milton Alemán Athaydes €375,000 -58.33% MF 35 8
11 Magallanes Badge Javier Quiroz Núñez €350,000 +366.67% MF 24 15
12 Santiago Wanderers Badge Andrés Vilches €350,000 - FW 32 8
13 Deportes Temuco Badge Julio Castro Gutiérrez €350,000 -36.36% FW 28 8
14 La Serena Badge Claudio Gerardo Torres Gaete €350,000 +16.67% MF 21 7
15 Rangers Badge Gastón Rodríguez €325,000 -7.14% GK 30 16
16 Deportes Santa Cruz Badge Diego Alexis González Miranda €325,000 +30.00% FW 27 20
17 Univ. Concepción Badge Renato Antonio Cordero Romo €325,000 -35.00% MF 21 2
18 Magallanes Badge Matías Poblete Vásquez €300,000 -33.33% DF - 17
19 La Serena Badge Carlos Alberto Lobos Ubilla €300,000 +20.00% MF 27 7
20 San Marcos Badge Marcos Camarda €300,000 - FW 24 8
21 Univ. Concepción Badge Cristián Gutiérrez €300,000 -25.00% DF 27 4
22 Deportes Santa Cruz Badge Diego Abraham González Torres €300,000 -25.00% DF 26 6
23 Deportes Santa Cruz Badge Rodrigo Cisterna €300,000 -14.29% MF 22 9
24 Magallanes Badge Thomas Jones €275,000 -21.43% MF 27 10
25 Rangers Badge Franco Bellocq €275,000 +120.00% MF 31 7
26 Deportes Santa Cruz Badge Matías Ismael Belmar Díaz €275,000 -38.89% FW 22 4
27 Curicó Unido Badge Diego Urzúa €250,000 - MF 27 16
28 Curicó Unido Badge Felipe Ortiz €250,000 -28.57% MF - 15
29 Antofagasta Badge Jason Flores Abrigo €250,000 -50.00% FW 27 14
30 Magallanes Badge Nicolás Andrés Rivera Faundez €250,000 -28.57% MF 26 11
31 La Serena Badge Pablo Nicolás López De León €250,000 -37.50% FW 28 3
32 Deportes Limache Badge Felipe Fritz Saldías €250,000 -9.09% FW 27 13
33 Deportes Limache Badge Luis Alberto Cabrera Figueroa €250,000 -28.57% MF 30 11
34 Antofagasta Badge Andrés Souper €250,000 +25.00% MF 25 15
35 Santiago Wanderers Badge Brayan Garrido €250,000 -37.50% MF 25 11
36 Univ. Concepción Badge Luis Andrés Olmedo €250,000 +2,400.00% MF 24 8
37 Deportes Limache Badge Branco Provoste €250,000 -37.50% FW 24 7
38 Curicó Unido Badge Matías Ormazábal €225,000 +80.00% FW 26 17
39 Unión San Felipe Badge César Huanca €225,000 -25.00% FW 23 8
40 La Serena Badge Sebastián Agustín Gallegos Berriel €225,000 +28.57% FW 32 14
41 San Luis Badge Fabián Alejandro Carmona Fredes €225,000 -50.00% MF 30 14
42 Magallanes Badge Manuel Vicuña €225,000 -35.71% MF - 15
43 Curicó Unido Badge Joaquin Gonzalez €225,000 +12.50% MF 23 10
44 San Luis Badge Ariel Cáceres €200,000 -20.00% GK 25 7
45 Univ. Concepción Badge Reiner Alvey Castro Barrera €200,000 -42.86% FW 30 3
46 Curicó Unido Badge Cristian Bustamante €175,000 +600.00% FW 22 12
47 Antofagasta Badge Fabio Francisco Vázquez €175,000 - MF 30 13
48 Deportes Santa Cruz Badge Ronald Guzmán €175,000 +75.00% DF 23 10
49 San Marcos Badge Augusto Barrios €175,000 -12.50% MF 33 13
50 Deportes Santa Cruz Badge Dilan Salgado €175,000 +250.00% MF - 6

Who is the player with the highest market value in the Primera B?

Currently, the player with the highest transfer market value in the Primera B is Julián Alfaro with a market value of €550k. Julián Alfaro's market value experienced a change of -21.43% since last year. The player with the 2nd highest market value is Francisco Salinas with a euro value of €500k. This is 10% lower than Julián Alfaro. The player with the third highest market value in Primera B is Sebastián Parada , with a value of €450k. This is 22% lower than the player with the highest value in Primera B. The 4th and 5th places are occupied by Jeison Joaquín Fuentealba Vergara and Tomás Valenzuela Aránguiz with a value of €450k and €400k respectively.

Market Values by Teams for Primera B (Total and Averages Values)

* This table includes data for known market values only

# Team Total Value Average Value Players PPG
1 Magallanes Badge Magallanes €3,260,000 €217,333 15
2 Curicó Unido Badge Curicó Unido €2,000,000 €181,818 11
3 Univ. Concepción Badge Univ. Concepción €1,925,000 €275,000 7
4 La Serena Badge La Serena €1,625,000 €270,833 6
5 Deportes Santa Cruz Badge Deportes Santa Cruz €1,550,000 €258,333 6
6 Deportes Limache Badge Deportes Limache €1,275,000 €159,375 8
7 Antofagasta Badge Antofagasta €1,150,000 €164,286 7
8 Unión San Felipe Badge Unión San Felipe €1,025,000 €205,000 5
9 San Luis Badge San Luis €950,000 €190,000 5
10 Rangers Badge Rangers €850,000 €212,500 4
11 Barnechea Badge Barnechea €750,000 €187,500 4
12 Santiago Wanderers Badge Santiago Wanderers €600,000 €300,000 2
13 San Marcos Badge San Marcos €475,000 €237,500 2
14 Deportes Temuco Badge Deportes Temuco €350,000 €350,000 1
15 Santiago Morning Badge Santiago Morning €75,000 €75,000 1

Most Valuable Players For Each Team

# Team Most Valuable Player Value
1 Magallanes Badge Magallanes Julián Alfaro €550k
2 Curicó Unido Badge Curicó Unido Sebastián Parada €450k
3 Univ. Concepción Badge Univ. Concepción Jeison Joaquín Fuentealba Vergara €450k
4 La Serena Badge La Serena Diego Sanhueza €375k
5 Deportes Santa Cruz Badge Deportes Santa Cruz Diego Alexis González Miranda €325k
6 Deportes Limache Badge Deportes Limache Felipe Fritz Saldías €250k
7 Antofagasta Badge Antofagasta Jason Flores Abrigo €250k
8 Unión San Felipe Badge Unión San Felipe Francisco Salinas €500k
9 San Luis Badge San Luis Martín Garnerone €375k
10 Rangers Badge Rangers Gastón Rodríguez €325k
11 Barnechea Badge Barnechea Agustín Ignacio Ortiz Moreno €375k
12 Santiago Wanderers Badge Santiago Wanderers Andrés Vilches €350k
13 San Marcos Badge San Marcos Marcos Camarda €300k
14 Deportes Temuco Badge Deportes Temuco Julio Castro Gutiérrez €350k
15 Santiago Morning Badge Santiago Morning Hernan Muñoz Espinoza €75k

Which team has the most valuable team in the Primera B?

The team with the highest total squad value in the Primera B is Magallanes at €3,260,000. Magallanes's players (ones who have had at least 1 apperances this season) average a market value of €217,333. The team with the 2nd highest market value is Curicó Unido with a squad value of €2,000,000. Finally, the team with the lowest market value is Santiago Morning with a total value of €75,000.

Market Values of Forwards (Strikers and Wingers) for Primera B

* This table includes data for known market values only

# Player Value Change Goals Assists G+A Apps
1 Magallanes Badge Julián Alfaro €550,000 -21.43% 0 0 0 9
2 San Luis Badge Martín Garnerone €375,000 - 2 0 2 18
3 Santiago Wanderers Badge Andrés Vilches €350,000 - 0 0 0 8
4 Deportes Temuco Badge Julio Castro Gutiérrez €350,000 -36.36% 2 0 2 8
5 Deportes Santa Cruz Badge Diego Alexis González Miranda €325,000 +30.00% 3 0 3 20
6 San Marcos Badge Marcos Camarda €300,000 - 1 0 1 8
7 Deportes Santa Cruz Badge Matías Ismael Belmar Díaz €275,000 -38.89% 0 0 0 4
8 Antofagasta Badge Jason Flores Abrigo €250,000 -50.00% 0 0 0 14
9 La Serena Badge Pablo Nicolás López De León €250,000 -37.50% 0 0 0 3
10 Deportes Limache Badge Felipe Fritz Saldías €250,000 -9.09% 2 0 2 13
11 Deportes Limache Badge Branco Provoste €250,000 -37.50% 0 0 0 7
12 Curicó Unido Badge Matías Ormazábal €225,000 +80.00% 0 0 0 17
13 Unión San Felipe Badge César Huanca €225,000 -25.00% 0 0 0 8
14 La Serena Badge Sebastián Agustín Gallegos Berriel €225,000 +28.57% 1 0 1 14
15 Univ. Concepción Badge Reiner Alvey Castro Barrera €200,000 -42.86% 3 0 3 3
16 Curicó Unido Badge Cristian Bustamante €175,000 +600.00% 4 0 4 12
17 San Luis Badge Cristian Alejandro Aravena Viveros €150,000 -33.33% 0 0 0 5
18 Antofagasta Badge Mauro Daniel Quiroga €150,000 -25.00% 6 0 6 17
19 Antofagasta Badge Enzo Díaz €100,000 - 0 0 0 13
20 Magallanes Badge Joaquín Oscar Larrivey €25,000 -66.67% 7 0 7 28
21 Magallanes Badge Alonso Raúl Barría Rivas €25,000 - 0 0 0 3
22 Deportes Limache Badge Felipe Ignacio Flores Chandia €25,000 - 1 0 1 22
23 Univ. Concepción Badge Jorge Matías Donoso Garate €25,000 -66.67% 0 0 0 4

Who are the most valuable Forwards in the Primera B?

Here are the forwards with the highest market value in the Primera B1 : Julián Alfaro (€550k), Martín Garnerone (€375k), and Andrés Vilches (€350k). Julián Alfaro has scored 0 goals and provided 0 assists so far. Martín Garnerone and Andrés Vilches have 2 and 0 goals respectively.

Market Values of Midfielders for Primera B

* This table includes data for known market values only

# Player Value Change Goals Assists G+A Apps
1 Unión San Felipe Badge Francisco Salinas €500,000 -9.09% 1 0 1 9
2 Curicó Unido Badge Sebastián Parada €450,000 -25.00% 2 0 2 18
3 Univ. Concepción Badge Jeison Joaquín Fuentealba Vergara €450,000 -35.71% 1 0 1 8
4 Magallanes Badge Tomás Valenzuela Aránguiz €400,000 - 1 0 1 18
5 Magallanes Badge Felipe Espinoza Ramirez €400,000 -20.00% 0 0 0 16
6 Univ. Concepción Badge Brahian Milton Alemán Athaydes €375,000 -58.33% 0 0 0 8
7 Magallanes Badge Javier Quiroz Núñez €350,000 +366.67% 1 0 1 15
8 La Serena Badge Claudio Gerardo Torres Gaete €350,000 +16.67% 0 0 0 7
9 Univ. Concepción Badge Renato Antonio Cordero Romo €325,000 -35.00% 0 0 0 2
10 La Serena Badge Carlos Alberto Lobos Ubilla €300,000 +20.00% 0 0 0 7
11 Deportes Santa Cruz Badge Rodrigo Cisterna €300,000 -14.29% 0 0 0 9
12 Magallanes Badge Thomas Jones €275,000 -21.43% 1 0 1 10
13 Rangers Badge Franco Bellocq €275,000 +120.00% 0 0 0 7
14 Curicó Unido Badge Diego Urzúa €250,000 - 0 0 0 16
15 Curicó Unido Badge Felipe Ortiz €250,000 -28.57% 2 0 2 15
16 Magallanes Badge Nicolás Andrés Rivera Faundez €250,000 -28.57% 0 0 0 11
17 Deportes Limache Badge Luis Alberto Cabrera Figueroa €250,000 -28.57% 0 0 0 11
18 Antofagasta Badge Andrés Souper €250,000 +25.00% 0 0 0 15
19 Santiago Wanderers Badge Brayan Garrido €250,000 -37.50% 0 0 0 11
20 Univ. Concepción Badge Luis Andrés Olmedo €250,000 +2,400.00% 1 0 1 8
21 San Luis Badge Fabián Alejandro Carmona Fredes €225,000 -50.00% 0 0 0 14
22 Magallanes Badge Manuel Vicuña €225,000 -35.71% 5 0 5 15
23 Curicó Unido Badge Joaquin Gonzalez €225,000 +12.50% 1 0 1 10
24 Antofagasta Badge Fabio Francisco Vázquez €175,000 - 0 0 0 13
25 San Marcos Badge Augusto Barrios €175,000 -12.50% 1 0 1 13
26 Deportes Santa Cruz Badge Dilan Salgado €175,000 +250.00% 0 0 0 6
27 Unión San Felipe Badge Nelson Guillermo Guaiquil Ruiz €175,000 +40.00% 0 0 0 3
28 Curicó Unido Badge John Michael Salas Torres €150,000 -60.00% 0 0 0 6
29 Magallanes Badge Ángel Cayetano €150,000 -57.14% 0 0 0 13
30 Barnechea Badge Daniel Navarrete €150,000 -40.00% 0 0 0 3

Who are the most valuable Midfielders in the Primera B?

The midfielders with the highest market value in the Primera B1 are : Francisco Salinas (€500k), Sebastián Parada (€450k), and Jeison Joaquín Fuentealba Vergara (€450k). Francisco Salinas has assisted 0 goals so far in the 2025 season. Sebastián Parada and Jeison Joaquín Fuentealba Vergara have 0 and 0 assists respectively.

Market Values of Defenders for Primera B

* This table includes data for known market values only

# Player Value Change Goals Assists Conceded Apps
1 La Serena Badge Diego Sanhueza €375,000 +275.00% 0 0 3 13
2 Barnechea Badge Agustín Ignacio Ortiz Moreno €375,000 - 0 0 7 10
3 Magallanes Badge Matías Poblete Vásquez €300,000 -33.33% 0 0 11 17
4 Univ. Concepción Badge Cristián Gutiérrez €300,000 -25.00% 0 0 3 4
5 Deportes Santa Cruz Badge Diego Abraham González Torres €300,000 -25.00% 1 0 8 6
6 Deportes Santa Cruz Badge Ronald Guzmán €175,000 +75.00% 0 0 17 10
7 Curicó Unido Badge Kennet Lara €150,000 -57.14% 0 0 12 10
8 Magallanes Badge Nicolás Mancilla €150,000 -57.14% 0 0 6 8
9 Barnechea Badge Iván Alejandro Contreras Araya €150,000 -60.00% 0 0 0 0
10 Deportes Limache Badge Gonzalo Ezequiel Paz €150,000 -25.00% 0 0 11 9
11 Deportes Limache Badge Alan Riquelme €150,000 +50.00% 0 0 4 4
12 La Serena Badge Enzo Guerrero €125,000 -50.00% 1 0 2 11
13 Magallanes Badge Alonso Walters €125,000 +400.00% 1 0 9 14
14 Antofagasta Badge Nicolás Berardo €100,000 - 0 0 16 14
15 Rangers Badge Juan José Contreras Contreras €100,000 -33.33% 0 0 1 5
16 Barnechea Badge Fernando Sebastián Da Rosa €75,000 +200.00% 0 0 1 3
17 Curicó Unido Badge Matías Cahais €0 -100.00% 1 0 11 9

Who are the most valuable Defenders in the Primera B?

The defenders with the highest market value in the Primera B1 are : Diego Sanhueza (€375k), Agustín Ignacio Ortiz Moreno (€375k), and Matías Poblete Vásquez (€300k). Diego Sanhueza has conceded 3 goals in 13 matches. Agustín Ignacio Ortiz Moreno and Matías Poblete Vásquez have conceded 7 and 11 goals in the competition so far.

Market Values of Goalkeepers for Primera B

* This table includes data for known market values only

# Player Value Change Goals Assists G+A Apps
1 La Serena Badge Diego Sanhueza €375,000 +275.00% 0 0 0 13
2 Barnechea Badge Agustín Ignacio Ortiz Moreno €375,000 - 0 0 0 10
3 Magallanes Badge Matías Poblete Vásquez €300,000 -33.33% 0 0 0 17
4 Univ. Concepción Badge Cristián Gutiérrez €300,000 -25.00% 0 0 0 4
5 Deportes Santa Cruz Badge Diego Abraham González Torres €300,000 -25.00% 1 0 1 6
6 Deportes Santa Cruz Badge Ronald Guzmán €175,000 +75.00% 0 0 0 10
7 Curicó Unido Badge Kennet Lara €150,000 -57.14% 0 0 0 10
8 Magallanes Badge Nicolás Mancilla €150,000 -57.14% 0 0 0 8
9 Barnechea Badge Iván Alejandro Contreras Araya €150,000 -60.00% 0 0 0 0
10 Deportes Limache Badge Gonzalo Ezequiel Paz €150,000 -25.00% 0 0 0 9
11 Deportes Limache Badge Alan Riquelme €150,000 +50.00% 0 0 0 4
12 La Serena Badge Enzo Guerrero €125,000 -50.00% 1 0 1 11
13 Magallanes Badge Alonso Walters €125,000 +400.00% 1 0 1 14
14 Antofagasta Badge Nicolás Berardo €100,000 - 0 0 0 14
15 Rangers Badge Juan José Contreras Contreras €100,000 -33.33% 0 0 0 5
16 Barnechea Badge Fernando Sebastián Da Rosa €75,000 +200.00% 0 0 0 3
17 Curicó Unido Badge Matías Cahais €0 -100.00% 1 0 1 9

Players with the most Market Value Growth for Primera B

* This table includes data for known market values only

# Player Value Change Position Apps
1 Univ. Concepción Badge Luis Andrés Olmedo €250,000 +2,400.00% MF 8
2 Curicó Unido Badge Cristian Bustamante €175,000 +600.00% FW 12
3 Magallanes Badge Alonso Walters €125,000 +400.00% DF 14
4 Magallanes Badge Javier Quiroz Núñez €350,000 +366.67% MF 15
5 La Serena Badge Diego Sanhueza €375,000 +275.00% DF 13
6 Deportes Santa Cruz Badge Dilan Salgado €175,000 +250.00% MF 6
7 Barnechea Badge Fernando Sebastián Da Rosa €75,000 +200.00% DF 3
8 Rangers Badge Franco Bellocq €275,000 +120.00% MF 7
9 Curicó Unido Badge Matías Ormazábal €225,000 +80.00% FW 17
10 Deportes Santa Cruz Badge Ronald Guzmán €175,000 +75.00% DF 10
11 Deportes Limache Badge Alan Riquelme €150,000 +50.00% DF 4
12 Unión San Felipe Badge Nelson Guillermo Guaiquil Ruiz €175,000 +40.00% MF 3
13 Deportes Santa Cruz Badge Diego Alexis González Miranda €325,000 +30.00% FW 20
14 La Serena Badge Sebastián Agustín Gallegos Berriel €225,000 +28.57% FW 14
15 Antofagasta Badge Andrés Souper €250,000 +25.00% MF 15
16 La Serena Badge Carlos Alberto Lobos Ubilla €300,000 +20.00% MF 7
17 La Serena Badge Claudio Gerardo Torres Gaete €350,000 +16.67% MF 7
18 Curicó Unido Badge Joaquin Gonzalez €225,000 +12.50% MF 10
19 Curicó Unido Badge Diego Urzúa €250,000 - MF 16
20 Antofagasta Badge Nicolás Berardo €100,000 - DF 14
21 Antofagasta Badge Fabio Francisco Vázquez €175,000 - MF 13
22 Antofagasta Badge Enzo Díaz €100,000 - FW 13
23 Magallanes Badge Tomás Valenzuela Aránguiz €400,000 - MF 18
24 Magallanes Badge Alonso Raúl Barría Rivas €25,000 - FW 3
25 Barnechea Badge Agustín Ignacio Ortiz Moreno €375,000 - DF 10
26 San Luis Badge Martín Garnerone €375,000 - FW 18
27 Deportes Limache Badge Felipe Ignacio Flores Chandia €25,000 - FW 22
28 Deportes Limache Badge Martín Cárcamo €50,000 - MF 1
29 San Marcos Badge Marcos Camarda €300,000 - FW 8
30 Santiago Wanderers Badge Andrés Vilches €350,000 - FW 8

Market Values - Chile

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