Market Values - Segunda División

Average Market Value
Players With Market Values Recorded
League Total Market Value

Players with the highest market value for Segunda División (Chile)

# Player Value Change Position Age Apps
1 Puerto Montt Badge Luis Alfonso Ureta Medina €0 -100.00% GK 26 11
2 Provincial Ovalle Badge Guillermo Enrique Orellana Riquelme €0 -100.00% GK 38 11
3 Provincial Ovalle Badge Wilson Eduardo Piñones Aguirre €0 -100.00% MF 36 6
4 Lautaro de Buin Badge Joaquín Garcia Epull €0 -100.00% GK 25 14
5 Fernández Vial Badge Nozomi Kimura €0 -100.00% DF 28 14
6 Concepción Badge Joaquín Emanuel Muñoz Almarza €0 -100.00% GK 34 10
7 Concepción Badge Sebastián Ignacio Silva Pérez €0 -100.00% DF 33 16
8 Concepción Badge Ricardo Ezequiel Ramírez €0 -100.00% FW 25 7
9 Concepción Badge Carlos Escobar €0 -100.00% FW 35 16
10 San Antonio Unido Badge Roberto Andrés Cereceda Guajardo €0 -100.00% DF 40 10
11 San Antonio Unido Badge Luca Alonso Pontigo Marín €0 -100.00% FW 30 5
12 San Antonio Unido Badge Cristóbal Campos €0 -100.00% GK 26 10
13 Provincial Osorno Badge Leonardo Ramos €0 -100.00% FW 35 4

Who is the player with the highest market value in the Segunda División?

Currently, the player with the highest transfer market value in the Segunda División is Luis Alfonso Ureta Medina with a market value of €-. Luis Alfonso Ureta Medina's market value experienced a change of -100% since last year. The player with the 2nd highest market value is Guillermo Enrique Orellana Riquelme with a euro value of €-. This is 0% lower than Luis Alfonso Ureta Medina. The player with the third highest market value in Segunda División is Wilson Eduardo Piñones Aguirre , with a value of €-. This is 0% lower than the player with the highest value in Segunda División. The 4th and 5th places are occupied by Joaquín Garcia Epull and Nozomi Kimura with a value of €- and €- respectively.

Market Values by Teams for Segunda División (Total and Averages Values)

* This table includes data for known market values only

# Team Total Value Average Value Players PPG
1 Fernández Vial Badge Fernández Vial €0 €0 1
2 Puerto Montt Badge Puerto Montt €0 €0 1
3 Provincial Ovalle Badge Provincial Ovalle €0 €0 2
4 Provincial Osorno Badge Provincial Osorno €0 €0 1
5 San Antonio Unido Badge San Antonio Unido €0 €0 3
6 Concepción Badge Concepción €0 €0 4
7 Lautaro de Buin Badge Lautaro de Buin €0 €0 1

Most Valuable Players For Each Team

# Team Most Valuable Player Value
1 Fernández Vial Badge Fernández Vial - -
2 Puerto Montt Badge Puerto Montt - -
3 Provincial Ovalle Badge Provincial Ovalle - -
4 Provincial Osorno Badge Provincial Osorno - -
5 San Antonio Unido Badge San Antonio Unido - -
6 Concepción Badge Concepción - -
7 Lautaro de Buin Badge Lautaro de Buin - -

Which team has the most valuable team in the Segunda División?

The team with the highest total squad value in the Segunda División is Fernández Vial at €0. Fernández Vial's players (ones who have had at least 1 apperances this season) average a market value of €0. The team with the 2nd highest market value is Puerto Montt with a squad value of €0. Finally, the team with the lowest market value is Lautaro de Buin with a total value of €0.

Market Values of Forwards (Strikers and Wingers) for Segunda División

* This table includes data for known market values only

# Player Value Change Goals Assists G+A Apps
1 Concepción Badge Ricardo Ezequiel Ramírez €0 -100.00% 1 0 1 7
2 Concepción Badge Carlos Escobar €0 -100.00% 2 1 3 16
3 San Antonio Unido Badge Luca Alonso Pontigo Marín €0 -100.00% 0 0 0 5
4 Provincial Osorno Badge Leonardo Ramos €0 -100.00% 1 0 1 4

Market Values of Midfielders for Segunda División

* This table includes data for known market values only

# Player Value Change Goals Assists G+A Apps
1 Provincial Ovalle Badge Wilson Eduardo Piñones Aguirre €0 -100.00% 1 0 1 6

Market Values of Defenders for Segunda División

* This table includes data for known market values only

# Player Value Change Goals Assists Conceded Apps
1 Fernández Vial Badge Nozomi Kimura €0 -100.00% 0 0 13 14
2 Concepción Badge Sebastián Ignacio Silva Pérez €0 -100.00% 2 0 17 16
3 San Antonio Unido Badge Roberto Andrés Cereceda Guajardo €0 -100.00% 1 0 15 10

Market Values of Goalkeepers for Segunda División

* This table includes data for known market values only

# Player Value Change Goals Assists G+A Apps
1 Fernández Vial Badge Nozomi Kimura €0 -100.00% 0 0 0 14
2 Concepción Badge Sebastián Ignacio Silva Pérez €0 -100.00% 2 0 2 16
3 San Antonio Unido Badge Roberto Andrés Cereceda Guajardo €0 -100.00% 1 0 1 10

Players with the most Market Value Growth for Segunda División

* This table includes data for known market values only

# Player Value Change Position Apps
1 Puerto Montt Badge Luis Alfonso Ureta Medina €0 -100.00% GK 11
2 Provincial Ovalle Badge Guillermo Enrique Orellana Riquelme €0 -100.00% GK 11
3 Provincial Ovalle Badge Wilson Eduardo Piñones Aguirre €0 -100.00% MF 6
4 Lautaro de Buin Badge Joaquín Garcia Epull €0 -100.00% GK 14
5 Fernández Vial Badge Nozomi Kimura €0 -100.00% DF 14
6 Concepción Badge Joaquín Emanuel Muñoz Almarza €0 -100.00% GK 10
7 Concepción Badge Sebastián Ignacio Silva Pérez €0 -100.00% DF 16
8 Concepción Badge Ricardo Ezequiel Ramírez €0 -100.00% FW 7
9 Concepción Badge Carlos Escobar €0 -100.00% FW 16
10 San Antonio Unido Badge Roberto Andrés Cereceda Guajardo €0 -100.00% DF 10
11 San Antonio Unido Badge Luca Alonso Pontigo Marín €0 -100.00% FW 5
12 San Antonio Unido Badge Cristóbal Campos €0 -100.00% GK 10
13 Provincial Osorno Badge Leonardo Ramos €0 -100.00% FW 4

Market Values - Chile

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