Number of Cards (Match Total) - Mulan Football League

Over X cards for total number cards for both teams in the match. This is not Over X for that individual team, but for both teams in that match.

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Team Cards (Cards For) (Mulan Football League)

Opponent Cards (Cards Against) (Mulan Football League)

What is the average cards in a Mulan Football League game?

The average cards per game in the Mulan Football League is 0 cards. 0 cards for the home team and 0 for the away team. In total, there were 0 cards in 0 matches where card bookings were recorded. This statistics is for the 2024 season.

Which Mulan Football League team has the most cards?

Taoyuan International FC and Taipei Bear FC topped the chart in terms of total match cards booked during the game. Taoyuan International FC gets booked an average of 0.00 cards per game and Taipei Bear FC gets booked an average of 0.00 per game.

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