Shots - 1. Liga Classic

Team Shots

# Team Over 10.5 Over 11.5 Over 12.5 Over 13.5 Over 14.5 Over 15.5
1Langenthal LogoLangenthal100%100%100%100%50%50%
2Kreuzlingen LogoKreuzlingen100%100%100%100%100%100%
3Bassecourt LogoBassecourt100%100%100%33%33%33%
4Solothurn LogoSolothurn100%100%50%50%50%50%
5Linth LogoLinth100%0%0%0%0%0%
6Eschen / Mauren LogoEschen / Mauren100%100%75%75%75%75%
7Wettswil-Bonstetten LogoWettswil-Bonstetten100%100%100%0%0%0%
8Black Stars LogoBlack Stars100%100%100%100%100%67%
9Lausanne Sport II LogoLausanne Sport II91%82%73%73%64%64%
10Sion II LogoSion II90%80%80%70%50%20%
11St. Gallen II LogoSt. Gallen II83%67%67%67%67%50%
12Servette II LogoServette II82%82%64%64%55%55%
13Meyrin LogoMeyrin80%70%60%40%30%30%
14Chênois LogoChênois75%63%50%38%25%13%
15Concordia Basel LogoConcordia Basel75%25%25%0%0%0%
16Münsingen LogoMünsingen71%71%43%14%14%14%
17Courtételle LogoCourtételle67%33%33%33%0%0%
18Höngg LogoHöngg67%67%67%67%67%33%
19Tuggen LogoTuggen67%33%33%33%33%33%
20Grasshopper II LogoGrasshopper II67%67%67%33%33%33%
21La Sarraz-Eclépens LogoLa Sarraz-Eclépens63%50%50%38%38%38%
22Taverne LogoTaverne60%60%40%40%20%20%
23Prishtina Bern LogoPrishtina Bern56%43%28%28%28%28%
24Portalban / Gletterens LogoPortalban / Gletterens50%25%25%25%0%0%
25Schötz LogoSchötz50%50%50%50%50%0%
26Echallens LogoEchallens50%50%50%38%38%38%
27Naters LogoNaters50%25%25%0%0%0%
28Freienbach LogoFreienbach50%50%50%50%50%0%
29Uzwil LogoUzwil50%50%50%50%0%0%
30Besa Biel/Bienne LogoBesa Biel/Bienne50%38%25%13%13%13%
31Mendrisio LogoMendrisio50%38%25%13%0%0%
32Köniz LogoKöniz45%36%27%27%27%27%
33Collina dCollina d'Oro43%43%43%43%28%14%
34Kosova LogoKosova40%20%20%20%20%20%
35Coffrane LogoCoffrane38%38%13%13%13%13%
36Lancy LogoLancy38%38%38%38%38%13%
37Muttenz LogoMuttenz33%33%33%33%33%0%
38YF Juventus LogoYF Juventus33%33%33%0%0%0%
39Yverdon Sport II LogoYverdon Sport II30%20%20%20%10%10%
40La Chaux-de-Fonds LogoLa Chaux-de-Fonds28%14%0%0%0%0%
41Thun II LogoThun II25%25%0%0%0%0%
42Monthey LogoMonthey25%25%25%25%25%25%
43Winterthur II LogoWinterthur II0%0%0%0%0%0%
44Dietikon LogoDietikon0%0%0%0%0%0%
45Rotkreuz LogoRotkreuz0%0%0%0%0%0%
46Wohlen LogoWohlen0%0%0%0%0%0%
47Stade Payerne LogoStade Payerne0%0%0%0%0%0%
48SV Schaffhausen LogoSV Schaffhausen0%0%0%0%0%0%

Which team takes the most shots in the 1. Liga Classic?

Langenthal's matches are the most entertaining in the 1. Liga Classic, with 100% of their matches ending with Over 10.5 shots from them. That's a lot of matches ending in a lot of shots!

Closely following Langenthal is Kreuzlingen with 100% of their matches ending with Over 10.5. Bassecourt is in the 3rd spot, with 100% of their matches ending Over 10.5.

Match Shots (Both Teams Combined)

# Team Over 23.5 Over 24.5 Over 25.5 Over 26.5
1Langenthal LogoLangenthal100%100%100%100%
2Black Stars LogoBlack Stars100%67%67%33%
3Wohlen LogoWohlen100%100%0%0%
4Rotkreuz LogoRotkreuz100%67%33%33%
5Freienbach LogoFreienbach100%100%100%100%
6Kreuzlingen LogoKreuzlingen100%100%50%50%
7SV Schaffhausen LogoSV Schaffhausen100%100%100%100%
8Linth LogoLinth100%100%100%100%
9Eschen / Mauren LogoEschen / Mauren100%100%100%75%
10Solothurn LogoSolothurn100%100%50%50%
11Servette II LogoServette II82%64%64%55%
12Taverne LogoTaverne80%60%20%20%
13Besa Biel/Bienne LogoBesa Biel/Bienne75%38%13%0%
14Köniz LogoKöniz73%55%45%45%
15La Chaux-de-Fonds LogoLa Chaux-de-Fonds71%71%71%71%
16Muttenz LogoMuttenz67%67%67%67%
17Höngg LogoHöngg67%33%33%33%
18Courtételle LogoCourtételle67%33%0%0%
19Bassecourt LogoBassecourt67%33%0%0%
20St. Gallen II LogoSt. Gallen II67%50%50%50%
21Chênois LogoChênois63%25%13%13%
22Coffrane LogoCoffrane63%50%50%50%
23Yverdon Sport II LogoYverdon Sport II60%50%30%30%
24Meyrin LogoMeyrin60%60%50%50%
25Sion II LogoSion II60%50%40%30%
26Prishtina Bern LogoPrishtina Bern56%56%43%28%
27Lausanne Sport II LogoLausanne Sport II55%55%55%45%
28Winterthur II LogoWinterthur II50%50%50%50%
29Schötz LogoSchötz50%50%50%50%
30Uzwil LogoUzwil50%50%50%50%
31Echallens LogoEchallens50%50%50%38%
32Concordia Basel LogoConcordia Basel50%25%25%25%
33La Sarraz-Eclépens LogoLa Sarraz-Eclépens50%50%25%25%
34Naters LogoNaters50%25%25%25%
35Collina dCollina d'Oro43%43%28%14%
36Kosova LogoKosova40%40%20%20%
37YF Juventus LogoYF Juventus33%33%33%33%
38Grasshopper II LogoGrasshopper II33%33%33%0%
39Tuggen LogoTuggen33%33%33%33%
40Münsingen LogoMünsingen28%14%14%14%
41Lancy LogoLancy25%25%25%25%
42Portalban / Gletterens LogoPortalban / Gletterens25%0%0%0%
43Mendrisio LogoMendrisio25%13%0%0%
44Thun II LogoThun II25%0%0%0%
45Monthey LogoMonthey25%25%25%25%
46Dietikon LogoDietikon0%0%0%0%
47Stade Payerne LogoStade Payerne0%0%0%0%
48Wettswil-Bonstetten LogoWettswil-Bonstetten0%0%0%0%

Which team has the most match shots in the 1. Liga Classic?

Langenthal, Black Stars, and Wohlen have recorded the highest match shots in the 1. Liga Classic this season.

Langenthal's games are often thrilling entertainment where both teams get frequent opportunities to score, with 100% of matches ending in Over 23.5 shots. Black Stars ranks second in 1. Liga Classic in terms of Over 23.5 shots with their Over 23.5 match shots percentage standing at 100%. Wohlen matches are also expected to be dramatic, with 100% of games ending in match shots Over 23.5.

Players With The Most Shots

No player shots data have been recorded for this season yet! Come back later or change the season.

Shots - Switzerland

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- Starts in ### Hr'
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