Shots - Russian Cup

Team Shots

# Team Over 10.5 Over 11.5 Over 12.5 Over 13.5 Over 14.5 Over 15.5
1Lokomotiv Moskva LogoLokomotiv Moskva100%50%38%38%38%25%
2Dinamo Moskva LogoDinamo Moskva88%75%75%63%38%25%
3Orenburg LogoOrenburg83%33%33%17%17%0%
4Spartak Moskva LogoSpartak Moskva75%75%63%63%50%50%
5Kuban Kholding LogoKuban Kholding67%0%0%0%0%0%
6Akhmat Grozny LogoAkhmat Grozny63%38%25%13%0%0%
7Makhachkala LogoMakhachkala56%28%14%14%14%14%
8Krasnodar LogoKrasnodar56%14%0%0%0%0%
9Akron LogoAkron56%28%28%0%0%0%
10Rostov LogoRostov50%50%38%38%13%13%
11Rubin Kazan LogoRubin Kazan38%25%25%25%25%13%
12Zenit LogoZenit38%38%38%13%0%0%
13Krylya Sovetov LogoKrylya Sovetov33%17%0%0%0%0%
14Khimki LogoKhimki28%14%0%0%0%0%
15CSKA Moskva LogoCSKA Moskva25%25%0%0%0%0%
16Fakel LogoFakel17%17%17%17%0%0%
17Olimpiyets LogoOlimpiyets0%0%0%0%0%0%
18Luki-Energiya LogoLuki-Energiya0%0%0%0%0%0%
19Dinamo Vladivostok LogoDinamo Vladivostok0%0%0%0%0%0%
20Amkal LogoAmkal0%0%0%0%0%0%

Which team takes the most shots in the Russian Cup?

Lokomotiv Moskva's matches are the most entertaining in the Russian Cup, with 100% of their matches ending with Over 10.5 shots from them. That's a lot of matches ending in a lot of shots!

Closely following Lokomotiv Moskva is Dinamo Moskva with 88% of their matches ending with Over 10.5. Orenburg is in the 3rd spot, with 83% of their matches ending Over 10.5.

Match Shots (Both Teams Combined)

# Team Over 23.5 Over 24.5 Over 25.5 Over 26.5
1Krylya Sovetov LogoKrylya Sovetov83%67%67%33%
2Lokomotiv Moskva LogoLokomotiv Moskva75%75%50%50%
3Dinamo Moskva LogoDinamo Moskva75%63%63%50%
4Khimki LogoKhimki56%56%56%28%
5Akron LogoAkron56%56%28%14%
6Orenburg LogoOrenburg50%50%33%17%
7Spartak Moskva LogoSpartak Moskva38%38%38%25%
8Makhachkala LogoMakhachkala28%28%28%28%
9Zenit LogoZenit25%25%13%0%
10Rubin Kazan LogoRubin Kazan25%25%25%13%
11Rostov LogoRostov25%25%13%13%
12Akhmat Grozny LogoAkhmat Grozny25%25%25%0%
13Fakel LogoFakel17%17%0%0%
14CSKA Moskva LogoCSKA Moskva13%13%13%0%
15Krasnodar LogoKrasnodar0%0%0%0%
16Kuban Kholding LogoKuban Kholding0%0%0%0%
17Olimpiyets LogoOlimpiyets0%0%0%0%
18Luki-Energiya LogoLuki-Energiya0%0%0%0%
19Dinamo Vladivostok LogoDinamo Vladivostok0%0%0%0%
20Amkal LogoAmkal0%0%0%0%

Which team has the most match shots in the Russian Cup?

Krylya Sovetov, Lokomotiv Moskva, and Dinamo Moskva have recorded the highest match shots in the Russian Cup this season.

Krylya Sovetov's games are often thrilling entertainment where both teams get frequent opportunities to score, with 83% of matches ending in Over 23.5 shots. Lokomotiv Moskva ranks second in Russian Cup in terms of Over 23.5 shots with their Over 23.5 match shots percentage standing at 75%. Dinamo Moskva matches are also expected to be dramatic, with 75% of games ending in match shots Over 23.5.

Players With The Most Shots

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