Dermival Almeida Lima Stats
Above is the career stats for Dermival Almeida Lima. Dermival Almeida Lima has played a total of 61 matches, scored 12 goals, and accumulated 0 assists. Dermival has played the most amount of matches at Serie D with 31 apperances in Brazil. Stats do not include club and international friendlies.
Per 90 minute stats in the Scotland Play-offs 3/4
Scotland Play-offs 3/4 Stats for Dermival Almeida Lima
General | Total | Per 90 Minutes |
Matches Played | 4 | N/A |
Minutes | 150 | 38 min' per appearance |
Dermival Almeida Lima is a Coach who has appeared in 4 matches this season in Scotland Play-offs 3/4, playing a total of 150 minutes. Dermival Almeida Lima scores an average of 1.2 goals for every 90 minutes that the player is on the pitch. This attacking performance currently places him at 0 out of 87 for Scotland Play-offs 3/4 Players who've played at least 3 matches.
This player scored a total of 2 goals so far in the season in the league, which places him at 2nd in the Brasiliense squad's Top Scorers list.
Minute by Minute
Scores a goal every 75 minutes
No Assists
No Bookings
Penalty Record (Career)
Rank by Output (Current League)
Goal Rank
Assist Rank
2017 Season
Goals / 90 min'
Assists / 90 min'
0 Goals
0 Assists
0.26 Bookings
2016 Season
Goals / 90 min'
Assists / 90 min'
0.22 Goals
0 Assists
0.33 Bookings
2015 Season
Goals / 90 min'
Assists / 90 min'
0 Goals
0 Assists
0.47 Bookings
2014 Season
Goals / 90 min'
Assists / 90 min'
0.28 Goals
0 Assists
0.55 Bookings
2013 Season
Goals / 90 min'
Assists / 90 min'
0.2 Goals
0 Assists
0.26 Bookings