Market Values - Moldovan National Division

Average Market Value
Players With Market Values Recorded
League Total Market Value

Players with the highest market value for Moldovan National Division (Moldova)

# Player Value Change Position Age Apps
1 Sheriff Badge Munashe Garananga €2,500,000 +354.55% DF 23 6
2 Sheriff Badge Cedric Badolo €850,000 +41.67% MF 25 10
3 Sheriff Badge Gaby Junior Kiki €800,000 -20.00% DF 29 6
4 Petrocub Badge Cristian Avram €600,000 +71.43% GK 29 1
5 Sheriff Badge Moussa Kyabou €600,000 -14.29% MF 26 1
6 Sheriff Badge Anas Ouahim €600,000 +20.00% MF 26 0
7 Sheriff Badge Ibrahim Akanbi Rasheed €550,000 -21.43% FW 25 0
8 Petrocub Badge Mihai Lupan €500,000 +42.86% MF 19 7
9 Petrocub Badge Vladimir Ambros €500,000 - MF 30 14
10 Sheriff Badge Maksym Koval €450,000 -10.00% GK 31 8
11 Petrocub Badge Teodor Lungu €400,000 +100.00% MF 29 15
12 Sheriff Badge Silva Henrique de Sousa Luvannor €400,000 -20.00% FW 34 12
13 Sheriff Badge Armel Junior Zohouri €400,000 -33.33% DF 23 10
14 Petrocub Badge Dan Puscas €375,000 +87.50% FW 23 10
15 Milsami Badge Daniel Lisu €350,000 - MF 22 13
16 Sheriff Badge Berkay Vardar €350,000 -22.22% MF 21 5
17 Sheriff Badge Momo Yansane €350,000 -50.00% FW 26 3
18 Sheriff Badge Bernardo Vilar Estevão Jeronimo €350,000 +40.00% DF 26 1
19 CSF Bălți Badge Daniel Danu €300,000 - MF 22 12
20 Petrocub Badge Dumitru Demian €300,000 +71.43% MF 25 11
21 Petrocub Badge Ioan-Călin Revenco €300,000 -40.00% DF 24 9
22 Sheriff Badge Rodrigo dos Santos de Freitas €300,000 -25.00% DF 26 0
23 Petrocub Badge Razak Abalora €275,000 +37.50% GK 27 5
24 Petrocub Badge Marius Iosipoi €275,000 -31.25% MF 24 2
25 Milsami Badge Yaroslav Terekhov €250,000 - MF 25 10
26 Petrocub Badge Sergiu Plătică €250,000 - FW 33 17
27 Petrocub Badge Maxim Cojocaru €250,000 +11.11% DF 26 1
28 Zimbru Badge Nicolae Cebotari €250,000 +66.67% GK 27 10
29 Petrocub Badge Donalio Melachio Douanla €250,000 +66.67% MF 26 11
30 Petrocub Badge Victor Mudrac €250,000 +25.00% DF 30 4
31 Floreşti Badge Nicolai Solodovnicov €200,000 -20.00% FW 24 11
32 CSF Bălți Badge Petru Neagu €200,000 -50.00% MF 24 13
33 Zimbru Badge Mihail Ștefan €200,000 -33.33% MF 22 11
34 Petrocub Badge Victor Bogaciuc €200,000 -50.00% DF 24 1
35 Petrocub Badge Corneliu Cotogoi €200,000 -20.00% MF 23 13
36 Sheriff Badge Konstantinos Apostolakis €200,000 -33.33% MF 25 8
37 Milsami Badge Vadim Dijinari €200,000 - DF 25 9
38 Sheriff Badge Dumitru Celeadnic €200,000 - GK 32 0
39 Milsami Badge Clinton Bangura €200,000 - DF 26 0
40 Sheriff Badge Mihail Ghecev €200,000 -20.00% MF 26 1
41 Sheriff Badge Tyler Reid €200,000 -33.33% DF 26 0
42 Milsami Badge Sorin Chele €175,000 +16.67% MF 20 13
43 Sheriff Badge Wilinton Aponzá €175,000 -41.67% FW 24 1
44 Sheriff Badge Ramon Vinicius dos Santos €175,000 +250.00% MF 24 0
45 Milsami Badge Vitus Amougui €150,000 -25.00% MF 28 5
46 Milsami Badge Vadim Paireli €150,000 -25.00% MF 28 8
47 Petrocub Badge Ion Jardan €150,000 -25.00% DF 34 16
48 Sheriff Badge Victor Straistari €150,000 - GK 25 1
49 Sheriff Badge Cedric Ngah €150,000 - DF 26 3
50 Floreşti Badge Danila Ignatov €125,000 +25.00% DF 23 9

Who is the player with the highest market value in the Moldovan National Division?

Currently, the player with the highest transfer market value in the Moldovan National Division is Munashe Garananga with a market value of €2.50m. Munashe Garananga's market value experienced a change of 354.55% since last year. The player with the 2nd highest market value is Cedric Badolo with a euro value of €850k. This is 194% lower than Munashe Garananga. The player with the third highest market value in Moldovan National Division is Gaby Junior Kiki , with a value of €800k. This is 213% lower than the player with the highest value in Moldovan National Division. The 4th and 5th places are occupied by Cristian Avram and Moussa Kyabou with a value of €600k and €600k respectively.

Market Values by Teams for Moldovan National Division (Total and Averages Values)

* This table includes data for known market values only

# Team Total Value Average Value Players PPG
1 Sheriff Badge Sheriff €10,000,000 €454,545 22
2 Petrocub Badge Petrocub €5,425,000 €271,250 20
3 Milsami Badge Milsami €1,775,000 €126,786 14
4 Zimbru Badge Zimbru €550,000 €137,500 4
5 CSF Bălți Badge CSF Bălți €550,000 €183,333 3
6 Floreşti Badge Floreşti €525,000 €65,625 8
7 Dacia-Buiucani Badge Dacia-Buiucani €225,000 €75,000 3
8 Spartanii Selemet Badge Spartanii Selemet €125,000 €41,667 3

Most Valuable Players For Each Team

# Team Most Valuable Player Value
1 Sheriff Badge Sheriff Munashe Garananga €2.50m
2 Petrocub Badge Petrocub Cristian Avram €600k
3 Milsami Badge Milsami Daniel Lisu €350k
4 Zimbru Badge Zimbru Nicolae Cebotari €250k
5 CSF Bălți Badge CSF Bălți Daniel Danu €300k
6 Floreşti Badge Floreşti Nicolai Solodovnicov €200k
7 Dacia-Buiucani Badge Dacia-Buiucani Victor Dodon €100k
8 Spartanii Selemet Badge Spartanii Selemet Nicolae Rotaru €125k

Which team has the most valuable team in the Moldovan National Division?

The team with the highest total squad value in the Moldovan National Division is Sheriff at €10,000,000. Sheriff's players (ones who have had at least 1 apperances this season) average a market value of €454,545. The team with the 2nd highest market value is Petrocub with a squad value of €5,425,000. Finally, the team with the lowest market value is Spartanii Selemet with a total value of €125,000.

Market Values of Forwards (Strikers and Wingers) for Moldovan National Division

* This table includes data for known market values only

# Player Value Change Goals Assists G+A Apps
1 Sheriff Badge Ibrahim Akanbi Rasheed €550,000 -21.43% 1 0 1 0
2 Sheriff Badge Silva Henrique de Sousa Luvannor €400,000 -20.00% 7 0 7 12
3 Petrocub Badge Dan Puscas €375,000 +87.50% 0 0 0 10
4 Sheriff Badge Momo Yansane €350,000 -50.00% 1 0 1 3
5 Petrocub Badge Sergiu Plătică €250,000 - 3 0 3 17
6 Floreşti Badge Nicolai Solodovnicov €200,000 -20.00% 7 0 7 11
7 Sheriff Badge Wilinton Aponzá €175,000 -41.67% 0 0 0 1
8 Floreşti Badge Nichita Picus €100,000 - 1 0 1 11
9 Floreşti Badge Nichita Covali €100,000 - 1 0 1 9
10 CSF Bălți Badge Dumitru Rogac €50,000 -33.33% 1 0 1 4
11 Floreşti Badge Daniel Muntean €0 -100.00% 0 0 0 6
12 Milsami Badge Artiom Puntus €0 -100.00% 1 0 1 8
13 Milsami Badge Eugeniu Gliga €0 -100.00% 0 0 0 2
14 Zimbru Badge Alia Sylla €0 -100.00% 0 0 0 0

Who are the most valuable Forwards in the Moldovan National Division?

Here are the forwards with the highest market value in the Moldovan National Division1 : Ibrahim Akanbi Rasheed (€550k), Silva Henrique de Sousa Luvannor (€400k), and Dan Puscas (€375k). Ibrahim Akanbi Rasheed has scored 1 goals and provided 0 assists so far. Silva Henrique de Sousa Luvannor and Dan Puscas have 7 and 0 goals respectively.

Market Values of Midfielders for Moldovan National Division

* This table includes data for known market values only

# Player Value Change Goals Assists G+A Apps
1 Sheriff Badge Cedric Badolo €850,000 +41.67% 0 0 0 10
2 Sheriff Badge Moussa Kyabou €600,000 -14.29% 0 0 0 1
3 Sheriff Badge Anas Ouahim €600,000 +20.00% 0 0 0 0
4 Petrocub Badge Mihai Lupan €500,000 +42.86% 3 0 3 7
5 Petrocub Badge Vladimir Ambros €500,000 - 8 0 8 14
6 Petrocub Badge Teodor Lungu €400,000 +100.00% 3 0 3 15
7 Milsami Badge Daniel Lisu €350,000 - 0 0 0 13
8 Sheriff Badge Berkay Vardar €350,000 -22.22% 0 0 0 5
9 CSF Bălți Badge Daniel Danu €300,000 - 1 0 1 12
10 Petrocub Badge Dumitru Demian €300,000 +71.43% 2 0 2 11
11 Petrocub Badge Marius Iosipoi €275,000 -31.25% 1 0 1 2
12 Milsami Badge Yaroslav Terekhov €250,000 - 1 0 1 10
13 Petrocub Badge Donalio Melachio Douanla €250,000 +66.67% 0 0 0 11
14 CSF Bălți Badge Petru Neagu €200,000 -50.00% 5 0 5 13
15 Zimbru Badge Mihail Ștefan €200,000 -33.33% 0 0 0 11
16 Petrocub Badge Corneliu Cotogoi €200,000 -20.00% 0 0 0 13
17 Sheriff Badge Konstantinos Apostolakis €200,000 -33.33% 0 0 0 8
18 Sheriff Badge Mihail Ghecev €200,000 -20.00% 0 0 0 1
19 Milsami Badge Sorin Chele €175,000 +16.67% 3 0 3 13
20 Sheriff Badge Ramon Vinicius dos Santos €175,000 +250.00% 0 0 0 0
21 Milsami Badge Vitus Amougui €150,000 -25.00% 0 0 0 5
22 Milsami Badge Vadim Paireli €150,000 -25.00% 0 0 0 8
23 Spartanii Selemet Badge Nicolae Rotaru €125,000 +400.00% 0 0 0 3
24 Petrocub Badge Artiom Rozgoniuc €125,000 -58.33% 0 0 0 1
25 Petrocub Badge Constantin Sandu €125,000 -16.67% 1 0 1 1
26 Petrocub Badge Danil Andreiciu €100,000 - 0 0 0 0
27 Dacia-Buiucani Badge Denis Baciu €75,000 - 0 0 0 11
28 Milsami Badge Alexandru Antoniuc €75,000 -50.00% 0 0 0 10
29 Dacia-Buiucani Badge Vitalie Dumbrava €50,000 - 0 0 0 5
30 Floreşti Badge Alexandru Suvorov €0 -100.00% 1 0 1 4

Who are the most valuable Midfielders in the Moldovan National Division?

The midfielders with the highest market value in the Moldovan National Division1 are : Cedric Badolo (€850k), Moussa Kyabou (€600k), and Anas Ouahim (€600k). Cedric Badolo has assisted 0 goals so far in the 2024/25 season. Moussa Kyabou and Anas Ouahim have 0 and 0 assists respectively.

Market Values of Defenders for Moldovan National Division

* This table includes data for known market values only

# Player Value Change Goals Assists Conceded Apps
1 Sheriff Badge Munashe Garananga €2,500,000 +354.55% 0 0 4 6
2 Sheriff Badge Gaby Junior Kiki €800,000 -20.00% 0 0 1 6
3 Sheriff Badge Armel Junior Zohouri €400,000 -33.33% 0 0 4 10
4 Sheriff Badge Bernardo Vilar Estevão Jeronimo €350,000 +40.00% 0 0 2 1
5 Petrocub Badge Ioan-Călin Revenco €300,000 -40.00% 1 0 2 9
6 Sheriff Badge Rodrigo dos Santos de Freitas €300,000 -25.00% 0 0 0 0
7 Petrocub Badge Maxim Cojocaru €250,000 +11.11% 0 0 1 1
8 Petrocub Badge Victor Mudrac €250,000 +25.00% 0 0 1 4
9 Petrocub Badge Victor Bogaciuc €200,000 -50.00% 0 0 1 1
10 Milsami Badge Vadim Dijinari €200,000 - 0 0 9 9
11 Milsami Badge Clinton Bangura €200,000 - 0 0 0 0
12 Sheriff Badge Tyler Reid €200,000 -33.33% 0 0 0 0
13 Petrocub Badge Ion Jardan €150,000 -25.00% 1 0 7 16
14 Sheriff Badge Cedric Ngah €150,000 - 0 0 1 3
15 Floreşti Badge Danila Ignatov €125,000 +25.00% 1 0 18 9
16 Zimbru Badge Mihai Morozan €100,000 - 0 0 1 3
17 Milsami Badge Serghei Svinarenco €50,000 -60.00% 0 0 7 6
18 Milsami Badge Dinu Graur €50,000 -66.67% 0 0 12 12
19 Sheriff Badge Adamou Ibrahim Djibo €50,000 -50.00% 0 0 0 2
20 Floreşti Badge Igor Bondarenco €0 -100.00% 0 0 18 10
21 Milsami Badge Vadim Bolohan €0 -100.00% 0 0 14 14
22 Petrocub Badge Ianus Jaman €0 -100.00% 0 0 0 0

Who are the most valuable Defenders in the Moldovan National Division?

The defenders with the highest market value in the Moldovan National Division1 are : Munashe Garananga (€2.50m), Gaby Junior Kiki (€800k), and Armel Junior Zohouri (€400k). Munashe Garananga has conceded 4 goals in 6 matches. Gaby Junior Kiki and Armel Junior Zohouri have conceded 1 and 4 goals in the competition so far.

Market Values of Goalkeepers for Moldovan National Division

* This table includes data for known market values only

# Player Value Change Goals Assists G+A Apps
1 Sheriff Badge Munashe Garananga €2,500,000 +354.55% 0 0 0 6
2 Sheriff Badge Gaby Junior Kiki €800,000 -20.00% 0 0 0 6
3 Sheriff Badge Armel Junior Zohouri €400,000 -33.33% 0 0 0 10
4 Sheriff Badge Bernardo Vilar Estevão Jeronimo €350,000 +40.00% 0 0 0 1
5 Petrocub Badge Ioan-Călin Revenco €300,000 -40.00% 1 0 1 9
6 Sheriff Badge Rodrigo dos Santos de Freitas €300,000 -25.00% 0 0 0 0
7 Petrocub Badge Maxim Cojocaru €250,000 +11.11% 0 0 0 1
8 Petrocub Badge Victor Mudrac €250,000 +25.00% 0 0 0 4
9 Petrocub Badge Victor Bogaciuc €200,000 -50.00% 0 0 0 1
10 Milsami Badge Vadim Dijinari €200,000 - 0 0 0 9
11 Milsami Badge Clinton Bangura €200,000 - 0 0 0 0
12 Sheriff Badge Tyler Reid €200,000 -33.33% 0 0 0 0
13 Petrocub Badge Ion Jardan €150,000 -25.00% 1 0 1 16
14 Sheriff Badge Cedric Ngah €150,000 - 0 0 0 3
15 Floreşti Badge Danila Ignatov €125,000 +25.00% 1 0 1 9
16 Zimbru Badge Mihai Morozan €100,000 - 0 0 0 3
17 Milsami Badge Serghei Svinarenco €50,000 -60.00% 0 0 0 6
18 Milsami Badge Dinu Graur €50,000 -66.67% 0 0 0 12
19 Sheriff Badge Adamou Ibrahim Djibo €50,000 -50.00% 0 0 0 2
20 Floreşti Badge Igor Bondarenco €0 -100.00% 0 0 0 10
21 Milsami Badge Vadim Bolohan €0 -100.00% 0 0 0 14
22 Petrocub Badge Ianus Jaman €0 -100.00% 0 0 0 0

Players with the most Market Value Growth for Moldovan National Division

* This table includes data for known market values only

# Player Value Change Position Apps
1 Spartanii Selemet Badge Nicolae Rotaru €125,000 +400.00% MF 3
2 Milsami Badge Mihail Cioban €125,000 +400.00% GK 2
3 Sheriff Badge Munashe Garananga €2,500,000 +354.55% DF 6
4 Sheriff Badge Ramon Vinicius dos Santos €175,000 +250.00% MF 0
5 Petrocub Badge Teodor Lungu €400,000 +100.00% MF 15
6 Petrocub Badge Dan Puscas €375,000 +87.50% FW 10
7 Petrocub Badge Cristian Avram €600,000 +71.43% GK 1
8 Petrocub Badge Dumitru Demian €300,000 +71.43% MF 11
9 Zimbru Badge Nicolae Cebotari €250,000 +66.67% GK 10
10 Petrocub Badge Donalio Melachio Douanla €250,000 +66.67% MF 11
11 Petrocub Badge Mihai Lupan €500,000 +42.86% MF 7
12 Sheriff Badge Cedric Badolo €850,000 +41.67% MF 10
13 Sheriff Badge Bernardo Vilar Estevão Jeronimo €350,000 +40.00% DF 1
14 Petrocub Badge Razak Abalora €275,000 +37.50% GK 5
15 Floreşti Badge Danila Ignatov €125,000 +25.00% DF 9
16 Petrocub Badge Victor Mudrac €250,000 +25.00% DF 4
17 Sheriff Badge Anas Ouahim €600,000 +20.00% MF 0
18 Milsami Badge Sorin Chele €175,000 +16.67% MF 13
19 Petrocub Badge Maxim Cojocaru €250,000 +11.11% DF 1
20 Floreşti Badge Nichita Picus €100,000 - FW 11
21 Floreşti Badge Nichita Covali €100,000 - FW 9
22 CSF Bălți Badge Daniel Danu €300,000 - MF 12
23 Dacia-Buiucani Badge Victor Dodon €100,000 - GK 15
24 Dacia-Buiucani Badge Denis Baciu €75,000 - MF 11
25 Dacia-Buiucani Badge Vitalie Dumbrava €50,000 - MF 5
26 Milsami Badge Daniel Lisu €350,000 - MF 13
27 Milsami Badge Yaroslav Terekhov €250,000 - MF 10
28 Petrocub Badge Sergiu Plătică €250,000 - FW 17
29 Sheriff Badge Victor Straistari €150,000 - GK 1
30 Sheriff Badge Cedric Ngah €150,000 - DF 3
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