Over 2.5 Stats - Campeón de Campeones

  • CF PachucaCF Pachuca
    has the highest Over 2.5 percentage with 100%.
  • Tigres UANLTigres UANL
    is within the top 3, with an Over 2.5 of 100%.

The average Over 2.5 for Mexico Campeón de Campeones is 100%

This Over 2.5 table shows you each team's ratio of matches that ended up above Over 2.5 total goals. This table is applicable to 2022/23 season of Mexico Campeón de Campeones. The top of the table shows teams that have produced the highest ratio of Over 2.5 (Total Goals in a match) matches, while the bottom of the table shows teams that have produced the least amount of Over 2.5 matches. Over 2.5 goals is counted as total goals between both teams in a Full-Time match (90 minutes). In the Campeón de Campeones, an average of 100% of matches have ended up as Over 2.5. This table does not account for HT Over 2.5% for the 2022/23 Mexico - Campeón de Campeones.

- Starts in ### min'
- Starts in ### Hr'
- Started'
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