Shots - Liga 2

Team Shots

# Team Over 10.5 Over 11.5 Over 12.5 Over 13.5 Over 14.5 Over 15.5
1Nusantara United LogoNusantara United62%56%38%24%19%14%
2Bekasi City LogoBekasi City62%52%33%24%14%10%
3Gresik United LogoGresik United60%55%50%40%35%25%
4PSIM Yogyakarta LogoPSIM Yogyakarta56%48%43%39%35%26%
5Adhyaksa LogoAdhyaksa55%40%20%15%10%5%
6Persela LogoPersela53%28%28%28%24%12%
7Persipal LogoPersipal53%53%42%32%21%21%
8Persijap LogoPersijap52%43%28%24%19%14%
9Dejan LogoDejan50%50%41%36%32%14%
10Bhayangkara LogoBhayangkara50%45%32%27%23%18%
11Persekat LogoPersekat50%45%40%35%30%15%
12PSKC Cimahi LogoPSKC Cimahi50%40%30%25%25%25%
13Persikota Tangerang LogoPersikota Tangerang48%38%33%19%10%5%
14PS TNI LogoPS TNI44%39%39%33%33%33%
15Persibo LogoPersibo41%41%27%23%23%14%
16Delta Putra Sidoarjo LogoDelta Putra Sidoarjo41%24%18%18%12%6%
17Persiraja Banda Aceh LogoPersiraja Banda Aceh40%30%25%25%20%10%
18Persipura LogoPersipura40%30%25%25%15%10%
19Persiku Kudus LogoPersiku Kudus39%26%9%9%9%4%
20PSMS LogoPSMS35%25%20%20%20%10%
21Sriwijaya LogoSriwijaya30%30%15%5%5%0%
22Persikas LogoPersikas30%20%10%10%0%0%
23Persewar LogoPersewar27%20%20%20%20%20%
24PSPS LogoPSPS19%10%10%10%10%5%
25Cilegon United LogoCilegon United0%0%0%0%0%0%
26Persipa Pati LogoPersipa Pati0%0%0%0%0%0%

Which team takes the most shots in the Liga 2?

Nusantara United's matches are the most entertaining in the Liga 2, with 62% of their matches ending with Over 10.5 shots from them. That's a lot of matches ending in a lot of shots!

Closely following Nusantara United is Bekasi City with 62% of their matches ending with Over 10.5. Gresik United is in the 3rd spot, with 60% of their matches ending Over 10.5.

Match Shots (Both Teams Combined)

# Team Over 23.5 Over 24.5 Over 25.5 Over 26.5
1PS TNI LogoPS TNI56%50%50%44%
2Bekasi City LogoBekasi City48%33%33%28%
3Gresik United LogoGresik United45%35%30%30%
4Persipal LogoPersipal42%42%21%21%
5PSKC Cimahi LogoPSKC Cimahi40%40%35%30%
6Persikota Tangerang LogoPersikota Tangerang38%33%24%24%
7Cilegon United LogoCilegon United38%31%19%19%
8Persiraja Banda Aceh LogoPersiraja Banda Aceh35%35%30%25%
9Persijap LogoPersijap33%24%14%14%
10Dejan LogoDejan32%32%32%23%
11Persekat LogoPersekat30%30%25%20%
12Delta Putra Sidoarjo LogoDelta Putra Sidoarjo28%24%18%12%
13Nusantara United LogoNusantara United28%24%14%5%
14Persela LogoPersela28%28%28%28%
15Bhayangkara LogoBhayangkara27%18%14%14%
16Persibo LogoPersibo27%27%23%23%
17Persiku Kudus LogoPersiku Kudus26%22%17%9%
18PSIM Yogyakarta LogoPSIM Yogyakarta26%26%26%22%
19Persipura LogoPersipura25%15%10%10%
20Sriwijaya LogoSriwijaya25%10%5%0%
21Persikas LogoPersikas25%15%10%5%
22Persewar LogoPersewar20%20%20%20%
23Adhyaksa LogoAdhyaksa15%15%10%10%
24PSMS LogoPSMS15%15%15%15%
25PSPS LogoPSPS10%10%10%5%
26Persipa Pati LogoPersipa Pati10%10%0%0%

Which team has the most match shots in the Liga 2?

PS TNI, Bekasi City, and Gresik United have recorded the highest match shots in the Liga 2 this season.

PS TNI's games are often thrilling entertainment where both teams get frequent opportunities to score, with 56% of matches ending in Over 23.5 shots. Bekasi City ranks second in Liga 2 in terms of Over 23.5 shots with their Over 23.5 match shots percentage standing at 48%. Gresik United matches are also expected to be dramatic, with 45% of games ending in match shots Over 23.5.

Players With The Most Shots

No player shots data have been recorded for this season yet! Come back later or change the season.

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