Yellow Card / Red Card Stats - Finland Kolmonen
- Stats in this category :
- Over 0.5 ~ 5.5 Tables -
- Under 0.5 ~ 5.5 Tables -
- Corner Stats -
- Card Stats -
- Shots
Number of Cards (Match Total) - Kolmonen
Over X cards for total number cards for both teams in the match. This is not Over X for that individual team, but for both teams in that match.
View Card Stats for all leaguesTeam Cards (Cards For) (Kolmonen)
Opponent Cards (Cards Against) (Kolmonen)
What is the average cards in a Kolmonen game?
The average cards per game in the Kolmonen is 0 cards. 0 cards for the home team and 0 for the away team. In total, there were 0 cards in 0 matches where card bookings were recorded. This statistics is for the 2021 season.
Which Kolmonen team has the most cards?
Tornion Pallo-47 and FC Komeetat topped the chart in terms of total match cards booked during the game. Tornion Pallo-47 gets booked an average of 0.00 cards per game and FC Komeetat gets booked an average of 0.00 per game.
Number of Cards (Match Total) - Finland
Veikkausliiga Number of Cards (Match Total)
- Division 1
- Division 1
Ykkösliiga Number of Cards (Match Total)
- Division 2
- Division 2
Kakkonen Number of Cards (Match Total)
- Division 3
- Division 3
Kolmonen Number of Cards (Match Total)
- Division 4
- Division 4
Finnish Cup Number of Cards (Match Total)
- Cup or Playoff
- Cup or Playoff
Naisten Liiga Women Number of Cards (Match Total)
- Division 1
- Division 1
Ykkönen Women Number of Cards (Match Total)
- Division 2
- Division 2
Kakkosen Cup Number of Cards (Match Total)
- Cup or Playoff
- Cup or Playoff
League Cup Number of Cards (Match Total)
- Cup or Playoff
- Cup or Playoff
Ykköscup Number of Cards (Match Total)
- Cup or Playoff
- Cup or Playoff
Kolmonen Pohjoinen Number of Cards (Match Total)
- Division 4
- Division 4
Kolmonen Etelä Number of Cards (Match Total)
- Division 4
- Division 4
Kolmonen Länsi Number of Cards (Match Total)
- Division 4
- Division 4
Kolmonen Itä Number of Cards (Match Total)
- Division 4
- Division 4
Womens Cup Number of Cards (Match Total)
- Cup or Playoff
- Cup or Playoff
Playoffs 1 2 Number of Cards (Match Total)
- Cup or Playoff
- Cup or Playoff
Ykkönen Number of Cards (Match Total)
- Division 3
- Division 3