Draws - Bhutan Super League

How many draws in the Bhutan Super League this season?

0% of matches in the Bhutan Super League ended in a draw in the 2025 season. That means that of the 15 matches played, 0 fixtures resulted in a draw.

Which Bhutan Super League team draws the most?

BFF Academy Under 16 is the team with the most draws this season in the Bhutan Super League with a whooping 1 draws out of 5 matches. That means an aggregate of 0% of their Bhutan Super League matches ended in a draw. And Ugyen Academy FC is the 2nd team with the most draws - their matches ended with 0 draws out of 5 matches. The rest of the list for draws go like this : Thimphu Raven FC (0 draws in 5), Namlha FC (1 draws in 5) and Daga United FC (0 draws in 5).
Top of the league table performers like Ugyen Academy FC ended with a draw percentage of 0% (0 draws out of 5 matches). If Ugyen Academy FC had turned these draws into wins, they would have gained 0 more points in the league.

Draws - Bhutan

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