Draws Stats - Benin Championnat National
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Draws - Championnat National
How many draws in the Championnat National this season?
41% of matches in the Championnat National ended in a draw in the 2024/25 season. That means that of the 402 matches played, 166 fixtures resulted in a draw.
Which Championnat National team draws the most?
AS du Port Autonome de Cotonou FC is the team with the most draws this season in the Championnat National with a whooping 14 draws out of 22 matches. That means an aggregate of 64% of their Championnat National matches ended in a draw. And Jeunesse Sportive de Pobè FC is the 2nd team with the most draws - their matches ended with 13 draws out of 22 matches. The rest of the list for draws go like this : Buffles de Borgou FC (13 draws in 23), Réal Sports de Parakou FC (13 draws in 23) and AS Dragons FC de l'Ouémé (12 draws in 22).
Top of the league table performers like Damissa FC ended with a draw percentage of 30% (7 draws out of 23 matches). If Damissa FC had turned these draws into wins, they would have gained 14 more points in the league.
Which Championnat National team draws the least?
These teams are either fortunate or unfortunate. If you win more, then you get more points, and if you lose more, then you don't get the cosolation point that draws give you. In the Championnat National, the teams with the least draws are : AS Tukunnin de Kandi (5 draws in 23 matches), Béké FC de Bembèrèkè (5 draws in 23 matches), Avrankou Omnisport FC (5 draws in 22 matches), Jeunesse Sportive de Ouidah (4 draws in 16 matches), and Jeunesse Athlétique de Kétou FC (6 draws in 22 matches).
Draws - Benin
- Division 1