Over 2.5 Goals - 0.5, 1.5, 3.5 Stats - Portugal Campeonato de Portugal Prio
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- Under 0.5 ~ 5.5 Tables -
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Over 2.5 Stats - Campeonato de Portugal Prio
FC Arouca
has the highest Over 2.5 percentage with 0%.SC Mirandela
is within the top 3, with an Over 2.5 of 0%.Sporting Braga II
is within the top 3, with an Over 2.5 of 0%.Club Sintra Football
is among the lowest 3, with an Over 2.5 of 0%.CSD Câmara de Lobos
is among the lowest 3, with an Over 2.5 of 0%.Berço SC
has the lowest Over 2.5 percentage of all teams with 0%.
The average Over 2.5 for Portugal Campeonato de Portugal Prio is 0%
This Over 2.5 table shows you each team's ratio of matches that ended up above Over 2.5 total goals. This table is applicable to 2019/20 season of Portugal Campeonato de Portugal Prio. The top of the table shows teams that have produced the highest ratio of Over 2.5 (Total Goals in a match) matches, while the bottom of the table shows teams that have produced the least amount of Over 2.5 matches. Over 2.5 goals is counted as total goals between both teams in a Full-Time match (90 minutes). In the Campeonato de Portugal Prio, an average of 0% of matches have ended up as Over 2.5. This table does not account for HT Over 2.5% for the 2019/20 Portugal - Campeonato de Portugal Prio.
Over 0.5 Stats (Campeonato de Portugal Prio)
Over 1.5 Stats (Campeonato de Portugal Prio)
Over 3.5 Stats (Campeonato de Portugal Prio)
Over 4.5 Stats (Campeonato de Portugal Prio)
Over 5.5 Stats (Campeonato de Portugal Prio)
Which Teams Have The Highest Over 2.5 Goals In The Campeonato de Portugal Prio
The teams with the most Over 2.5 goals in the Campeonato de Portugal Prio are FC Arouca (0%), FC Vizela (0%), and CF Canelas 2010 (0%). The matches played by FC Arouca and FC Vizela throughout the competition were quite engaging for the fans since most fixtures ended with more than 2 goals. For FC Arouca, the number of matches that ended with the over 2.5 total goals were 0 out of 25. For FC Vizela it was 0 matches and for CF Canelas 2010 it was 0 matches. Having a higher Over 2.5 ratio makes it more enticing for the Campeonato de Portugal Prio fans. However, for teams like Berço SC and Pedras Rubras the numbers are much lower. Only 0% of their fixtures ended with over 2.5 goals - which is the lowest in the Campeonato de Portugal Prio.
Over 2.5 Stats - Portugal
- Division 1
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- Cup or Playoff
- Cup or Playoff
- Cup or Playoff
- Division 3
- Division 3
- Division 3
- Division 3
- Division 3
- Division 3
- Division 3
- Division 3
- Division 3
- Division 3
- Cup or Playoff
- Division 1
- Cup or Playoff
- Cup or Playoff
- Cup or Playoff
- Cup or Playoff