Clean Sheets - Segona Divisió

Goalkeepers with the most Clean Sheets in the Segona Divisió

# PlayerMP
Matches Played
Clean SheetsClean Sheet %CS at HomeCS at Away

Teams with the most Clean Sheets

Which Team Kept The Most Clean Sheets In The Segona Divisió?

The teams with the most clean sheets in the Segona Divisió is UE Santa Coloma II (0 clean sheets in 12 matches), and they are followed by CF Atlètic Amèrica (0 clean sheets in 10 matches), and CE Carroi (0 clean sheets in 10 matches). UE Santa Coloma II conceded no goals in 0% of the matches in the Segona Divisió this season, which is really impressive and shows how much of a rock their back line is. CF Atlètic Amèrica also has a good clean sheet rate of 0% and CE Carroi has a clean sheet ratio of 0%.

Clean Sheets - Andorra

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