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Finding Profitable Teams for Betting

Team Search is a brand-new way to explore teams on FootyStats. You can filter through hundreds of stats and thousands of teams in a matter of seconds to find the right teams that suit your betting patterns.

Layout & Functionality

FootyStats users have been finding profitable matches for the past year with the Match Search tool, and we wanted to keep the design and functionality similar whilst making key improvements to the overall user experience. The page is split into two key areas. The filters and the results.

On mobile, you will see a floating button fixed at the bottom of the page that will open the filters. From here, you can control all of your settings and enable all of your filters. Desktop users will see exactly the same panel. However, they will access it with a button located in the left-hand sidebar.

Viewing Results

The results are displayed in a table-like interface, with the team name, country and PPG fixed to the left. The stats for each team are to the right, displayed inline. Simply scroll (or swipe) across this area to the full area.

Managing Filters

Filters can be enabled and disabled. Filters that are enabled will show up in your active filters list and will be considered as part of your search. In addition, we will automagically include the stats you're searching for into the results and remove those that you have disabled. Tap any filter to enable/disable.

Search Settings

We have also introduced search settings. This is an individual page inside the filters pane where you can manage top-level settings, like the following:

  • Form Type: Home, Away or Overall
  • Sorting Preferences
  • Form Limit: Last X Games Coming Soon

Sorting Results

Due to the number of statistics available, we had to get creative. Now, all the filters you enable will show up in the dropdown for sorting your results. Alternatively, you can click on any of the table headings to sort by that column.

Reset Filters

Already found what you’re looking for, or wanting to start fresh? No problem. Reset the filters and you will be right back where you started.

Pinning Teams for Later

Like the look of a team, or want to keep them around to compare with another search? No problem. Hit the pin icon and that team will be fixed to the top of all your future searches. This is a really simple way to keep tabs on the teams that interest you and we can't wait to see how you start using it.

Adding / Removing Pins

Adding and removing pinned teams could not be easier. On mobile, you'll see the pin icon next to the team name. If you like the look of a team, tap it. That's it, you'll now see this team at the top of every search. On desktop, simply hover over the team and the icon will appear.

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